MonEDT | Online schedule

Class timetables can be consulted online on Mon emploi du temps (i.e. « My timetable »).

At the start of the semester, customize the application by selecting the relevant student groups or subjects. The information displayed can easily be limited to the topics you are interested in.

In addition, an .ics link lets you integrate your personalized timetable into the scheduling application of your choice.

To log in

You can either connect to Mon emploi du temps at or via the application launcher on Ernest.

To make the most of MonEDT

Moodle | Learning platform

The Moodle learning platform of the university gives you access to teaching resources and communication tools provided by your teachers.

You will find course contents, teaching documents, multimedia resources, MCQs, forums and more.

To log in

You can either connect to Moodle at or via the application launcher on Ernest.

To make the most of Moodle

BigBlueButton | Web conferencing and webinars

Your teachers may invite you to use BigBlueButton (BBB) to follow distance learning sessions.

Via BBB, you can take part in virtual classes or work meetings, and follow online conferences (up to 100 participants).

To make the most of BBB

POD | Video broadcasting tool

The University of Strasbourg provides all users (faculty, staff and students) with Pod. This tool lets you broadcast the videos you may have to produce as part of your university activities.

In addition to standard features, you'll find advanced options such as :

  • chaptering
  • content enrichment
  • adding interactivity to your videos

For further information

Check the « Pod : contenus pédagogiques audios et vidéos » page on Ernest.

Third-party software

Remote application server

The application server provides remote access to Windows-based educational and office software, without any prior installation on your computer.

For further information, check the « Serveur d'applications à distance » page on Ernest.

Software library

Free software is available and can be installed on your personal workstation. In addition, preferential rates are offered for specific software (Office 365, SAS, Adobe, Azure Devtools For Teaching).

For further information, check the « S'équiper : logiciels et matériel informatiques, logithèque Unistra » page on Ernest.

MoodleAIR | A learning platform for student integration and success

MoodleAIR is a learning platform, open to all and designed by the « pôle d'Appui à la Réussite Étudiante » (ARE) to facilitate your studies at Unistra.

Developing a working methodology, transversal skills and even choosing a suitable working environment is essential for achieving both academic and professionnal success. Training on MoodleAIR will help you in a wide range of topics such as taking notes, managing time, managing projects, discovering Unistra's services, effective reading and proofreading...

Do not hesitate to make suggestions. Please, feel free to contact ARE: idip-reussite-etudiante[at] 

You can also follow ARE on social networks: Facebook and Instagram.

To log in

You can either connect to MoodleAir at or via the application launcher on Ernest.

IBOU | Assessing my needs

Ibou (in French : Identifier mes Besoins pour Outiller mon parcours Universitaire) is a tool that helps you assess your skills and consequently refine your academic path.

Many surveys on various topics are available: they will give a precise overview of your strengths and weaknesses. After each survey session, you will be provided with a list of resources to help you develop the skills that you seem to be missing.

For further information

Pix | Certification of digital skills

Pix is a public online service for assessing and certifying digital skills throughout life. Any citizen can use it to get a skills profile ranging from beginner to expert (8 levels) in 16 skills divided into 5 main areas.

At the University of Strasbourg, certification of digital skills is an integral part of every curriculum.

Before taking the certification exam, it is essential to create an account on the national platform to build up a digital profile. Candidates will then be able to improve their skill levels right up to the certification exam.

For further information

Check the dedicated Pix page on Ernest.

Compilatio | Preventing plagiarism

In order to promote the creation of original content, intellectual integrity, respect for the work of others and personal achievement, the University of Strasbourg has set up a system to encourage good practice in citing authors and the correct use of third-party ideas in assignments, dissertations and theses.

As part of this approach, the university's teaching and research staff are free to use similarity search and detection software if they deem it necessary. Henceforth, they can check whether borrowings have been used correctly or incorrectly, and determine whether plagiarism has occurred.

Our recommendations for citing sources

Please check our dedicated webpage at


Examination results and proof of enrollment

Examination results

Once the exam sessions are over, you can consult your results via the « Mes études / Scolarité » section on Ernest.

Exam results will also be posted on the notice boards of your academic unit.

Lise − Proof of enrollment

Lise lets you print or download your schooling documents: proof of enrollment, anonymity codes for exams, etc.